
Private Colleges

Colleges, Private Colleges, Kolej Swasta

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There are 61 Listings in this Category.
Syuen College

Syuen College

Vision To be a top-notch Higher Education Institution via creating excellent teaching-learning platforms to promote Holistic Education. Mission We inspire to transform communities by providing affordable education for every eligible in ...

Technology Park Malaysia College

Technology Park Malaysia College

TPM College (formerly TPM Academy)

Terra College

Terra College

Terra provides a safe, healthy and supportive environment for students to develop as confident, courteous and capable young leaders. Our academic and administrative staff work tirelessly to give our students the best chance and choice of ca ...

Travex International College

Travex International College

Travex International College in malaysia. World Class diploma award from International Air Transport Association (IATA), Canada. Get hands-on experience in high class restaurants or 5 STARS hotel restaurant. Learn excellent customers servi ...

Tunku Abdul Rahman College

Tunku Abdul Rahman College

Kolej Tunku Abdul Rahman

TVET Malaysia

TVET Malaysia

I Smart Educare is Malaysia's No 1 TVET provider for VTO, JPK induction courses & SKM We've been a regular organiser for PP-PPD, PPL & PP-PPT Induction Course for the Department of Skill Development (JPK), Ministry of Human Resources si ...

Vision College

Vision College

Medical courses

Westminster International College

Westminster International College

Westminster International College (WIC) is a division of the London School of Commerce Group of Colleges. As a division of the LSC Group, WIC delivers courses based on the same sound British educational system practiced by tertiary educatio ...

Results 51 - 61 of 61

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